Dealing with failed systems is part of almost every job and when it comes to customer support it can result in major losses for a company. With an efficient customer support delivery system in place, failures can be prevented and if they do crop up, companies can deal with them effectively and resolve them on the go. We’ve picked five of the biggest customer support failures, outlined how they often result in loss of business, and ways and means in which outsourcing customer support allows for them to be handled.
Companies do not have to wait for a major customer failure but they can learn from similar ones faced by others. One such major customer support blunder caused United Airlines to evict an irate passenger from a flight using force just because he did not give up his seat voluntarily. A similar situation is often experienced by customers who wait for weeks for replacement products to be delivered, spend up to half-an-hour on hold on a call, or never get a reply to their emails. In such cases, customers lose patience, become irate and often take to the internet to make their displeasure known, when instead their issue could have been handled within minutes by outsourcing customer support.
The occasional customer support failure or service outages are bound to happen in most companies, so most put time and effort into building a good relationship with customers all year round. When failures do happen, the company’s reputation for efficient handling of calls, and timely provision of services will often help overcome these lapses.
Making customers remain on hold for long durations often results in issues remaining unresolved. When this happens repeatedly customer satisfaction rates drop and ultimately, they turn to competitors who fulfill their needs. Giving the customer an option to choose a callback when agents are free or use online chat are two ways in which long hold times can be reduced and issues handled in time.
Employees who are not adequately trained to handle customer issues will often make the customer bounce from one department to another. This results in customers spending longer durations in queues and eventually abandoning a call without speaking to a support representative. Inadequate training to handle the latest technology within a contact center also creates the same problem and results in dropped calls. Using a partner to outsource customer support services, companies can ensure that agent training is never neglected, and it is frequently refreshed.
Ignoring the growing popularity of omni-channel customer support results in companies not being able to deal with changing customer requirements. Omni-channel support is especially needed to deal with customers who want questions answered when they are shopping on websites, do not have time for a call and instead want to use online chat. Importantly, when the omni-channel pathway is put in place as part of outsourcing customer support, customers can contact a company via phone, chat, email, forums, and even social media accounts.
Effective handling of customer support issues by trained staff is just one of the many services that ExpertCallers can provide. With over fifteen years of experience handling international customers and a trained pool of 1000+ staff spread over three continents, the company can set up a contact center that can handle omni-channel customer support and more.
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